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My name is Paul Freeman, CPA, CAMS, and I am an AML Investigator and Educator. Here at, my focus is on providing quality Anti-Money Laundering (and Fraud) educational information for the front line Investigators, as well as others in the profession.

Though I did not come to the field until 2005, my professional career began in 1980 and before I was 30, I was running departments and divisions within a billion dollar a year company. I progressed through a few other businesses and finally began a long run as a management consultant, working with numerous enterprises in dozens of industries. Like many people after 9/11, I was looking for a way to make the world a little safer, so when a friend asked me if I would consider working for a bank doing Anti-Money Laundering investigations, I couldn’t get there soon enough.

KeyBank made a strong commitment to having their Investigators obtain the CAMS certification and I was in the first wave. During our preparations, I was asked to write a few questions for each session. Having endured the CPA exam decades before, I came to realize that there was a need for a sample test that was of the same type and length as the real exam. Professional licensing exams are nothing like any high school or college test one takes. There is a mental and physiological toll that cannot be understood in any way other than experience, so I built my first edition practice exam. Since I left KeyBank in 2009, I have written my second edition (which you will find more about on the Practice Exam / Flashcards page).

Anyway, there is more about me on the ABOUT ME page. I have a deck of flashcards available – I display one of them each day on the FLASHCARD OF THE DAY page (we do post 7 cards per week, but only update the page on normal work days). The USEFUL LINKS page points the Investigator to some websites that I consider 5 Star sites for information – with much of it free. The MY BLOG page links to a number of short blog posts that I have on WordPress under AMLAssassin. I also display short blogs from my staff on occassion

I hope you’ll make this website a regular stop. Please look around the site. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to contact me.