First, let me state that the organization (ACAMS) does not endorse or approve any exam prep materials that are not their own (probably protecting their own bottom line). I understand and, as an active member of ACAMS, support their position. However…

Years ago, as I was studying for the exam myself, I found the official preparatory materials insufficient, so I started designing my own. At the time I was an employee of KeyBank. Key made a strong effort to get nearly everyone involved in the AML department certified and within 12 months, we had over 75 people pass the exam and had the 3rd most CAMS certified people of any bank in the world.

I shared my materials with others and became the trainer for internal exam prep courses. I made flashcards for myself and designed a full-length practice test for others (being a Certified Public Accountant, I am fully aware of how difficult a professional certification exam can be). I felt it was an important step to prepare my “students” for both the physical and mental rigors such a test can pose.

I became active within ACAMS, especially in the area of education. I was on the Task Force that wrote new questions for the actual exam, so I have developed a strong insight into the type and construction of the test questions. That being said, I do not have access to the actual exam questions and I do not ever reference the questions that I submitted for the exam then.

After leaving KeyBank, I wrote a new practice test – now 120 questions. It has the same balance as the real exam as to the four (4) areas of study (methods, international standards, compliance, and investigations).

Those that have used my practice test say that it is harder than the real exam and no one yet has claimed getting a higher score on mine than the actual exam. To me, that means I am doing something right. I believe that a great practice test will “kick your teeth in” and drive home areas of weakness in your knowledge base.

I wish that I could just give all of this away, but it takes a great deal of time to write and proof good questions (my average is over an hour per question). But at the given price, it is under $0.81 per question (even less if purchased in combination with the flashcards). If you opt to purchase the exam, you will be re-directed to my regular website ( From that site, you can also opt-in to receive our “Flashcard of the Day” e-mail (five days a week, the image of an actual flashcard is sent out). The e-mails are clean, just the image and a comment that you can go to my website for additional materials – no links to other websites and I never give or sell my subscribers’ names or e-mail addresses to anyone.

Anyway, I hope you find these materials helpful and good luck in your exam preparations.